Thursday, May 23, 2013

Who Are You Trying To Please?

Are you afraid to speak up in case you encounter disapproval? The Bible says, "Fearing people is a dangerous trap" (Proverbs 29:25 NLT) and fear is common among people pleasers. One author writes, 'A pleaser daughter is one who, at any age, still tries to please her parents.' However, remember what Paul said, "When I was a child...I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me" (1 Corinthians 13:11 NIV).
A pleaser friend is one who can't say no. Resentment may build up but they always turn up and takes care of things. A pleaser employee is one who works long hours without compensation or appreciation, covers for others who don't pull their weight and bites their tongue when their boss takes credit for their work.
We should not live our lives trying to please people who don't have a Heaven or Hell to put us in. Most of us look to people and they connections they supposedly have in order to get ahead when all we need to do is to come to our Heavenly Father and trust that He will supply all of our needs. Furthermore, God is our Creator. He knows the exact group of people that will help you get to the next level of His plan so don't waste time or money pleasing people and just remain steadfast and confident in the Lord.


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